Course Length: 3 hours

Armed robbery is the third most common violent crime reported (consistently over the last 10 years).​ Australian Institute of Criminology study 2014, demonstrates less than 3% of armed robberies end in violence, mainly due to compliance.​ High level aggression is more often used without actual violence.​ ​ Our Armed Robbery Prevention program will provide participants with an understanding of the Risk vs Reward principle, physical security measures, and workplace procedures to prevent and deal with armed robbery. Pre/during and post robbery procedures are key learnings​ as well as improving Situational/environmental awareness.​ Their is a human factor to consider in any armed robbery, and by understanding this principle we can limit the risk and harm of Armed Robbery in your workplace.

  • Enhance safety and security awareness in the workplace.​

  • Provide the skills and knowledge needed for personnel to react safely in the event of an armed robbery.

  • Enhance situational awareness skills.​

  • Encourage safe work practices and enhance the security culture.​

  • Improve incident reporting procedures.​

Pricing options

This course is specifically delivered for workplaces, and is priced per group of people. This courses can be tailored to meet the needs of the organisation to ensure the most effective delivery. $2200 plus GST per group. Maximum 18 persons.